When it comes to the maintenance of a gate, it can be very concerning for homeowners when they discover an unusual noise. After all, the majority of gates suffer from subtle damage that suddenly gets worse which means that anything out of the ordinary should be investigated promptly by an experienced professional. Here at Cheshire Metalcraft, we are experts in our industry and that is why we offer a high-quality service from start to finish. Read on as we go over three common cause of unusual automatic gate noises…

Are the moving parts of the gate oiled?

The mechanics of an automatic gate are designed in order move against one another and this means that oil is required in order to provide lubrication. After all, a lack of it tends to result in a grinding noise that can actually cause the metallic parts to wear away over time. In fact, failing to provide a regular oil supply can actually end in a complete mechanical replacement in the near future. With this said, it is important to note that some components may need to be removed in order to be oiled so it is often best to call a professional.

How old is the gate’s motor?

Although most homeowners tend to fear the worst when their automatic gate starts making an unusual sound, sometimes the issue can be down to something simple like wear and tear. After all, gate mechanics are not immune to the passing of time and once a motor reaches the end of its lifespan, it will start to fail. This means that the property owner should be able to recognise when a replacement could be the best solution and, as a general rule, unusually high-pitched or jittering noises are an excellent indication that an inspection of the motor may be required.

Does the gate’s chain need to be replaced?

Older sliding automatic gates tend to rely on chains and these often make a lot more noise in comparison to alternatives like belts. After all, they are another metallic component that requires oiling on a regular basis. On the other hand, replacing it with a belt can increase the efficiency of the motor whilst also reducing the noise pollution that is created during operation.

Whilst most gate-related issues tend to be minor and easily rectified, it is always important to investigate an unusual noise that is coming from an automatic gate as soon as possible. After all, the last thing that a property owner needs is an expensive repair bill on their hands. Here at Cheshire Metalcraft, we try to emphasise the importance of gate maintenance as much as possible as it is an essential part of ownership. To find out more information on gates in Manchester, speak to a member of the team today!