As the weather in the UK is difficult to predict, the team here at Cheshire Metalcraft want to encourage all of our readers to ensure their gates are prepared for the bad weather. After all, ice and snow tend to strike when we least expect it and there is no time like the present to put safety measures in place in order to ensure that the melting snow and freezing temperatures don’t wreak havoc on your gates! Read on to find out more…


It is always surprising when we find out that homeowners do not have a maintenance and servicing contract in place for their gates. After all, maintenance is the most basic responsibility that comes with a gate investment. In fact, it is essential that you stay on top of your maintenance duties in order to ensure that your gate has the strength it needs to withstand the snow, ice and below-freezing temperatures that comes with winter weather.


With this said, the team here at Cheshire Metalcraft believe that you can never be overprepared for bad weather. In fact, during winter it is essential that you grease the hinges of your gates, as particularly cold weather can make them vulnerable to freezing or sticking. In addition to this, if you have automatic gates, then you should ensure that your motor is protected and that there is no way the snow can infiltrate the mechanics when it melts.

Here at Cheshire Metalcraft, we believe that high-quality maintenance is the best way to ensure that your gates are ready when the bad weather strikes. After all, from wrought iron to timber, we supply a wide variety of gates and understand the different treatments that each one requires in order to withstand the brutality of mother nature all year round. To find out more information, get in contact with the best gates in Manchester and speak to a member of the Cheshire Metalcraft team today!