The colder seasons are slowly drawing in which means that it’s time to start preparing our gates! After all, there is nothing worse than mechanics which have been damaged due to unforeseen weather conditions or the aftermath of particularly strong winds. Luckily, the team here at Cheshire Metalcraft are experienced in the maintenance requirements of automatic gates so we’ve decided to educate you in a blog post…


As you may have noticed the weather has been rather erratic over the past month. From hurricanes to tropical storms, the world has suffered quite a beating at the hands of mother nature. Whilst we don’t tend to receive such brutal attacks in the UK, it doesn’t mean we are immune to our own fair share of wild weather and the wind speeds have been known to soar from time to time. Not only can this cause some serious stress on the joins and mechanisms of automatic gates, it can also cause long lasting damage or misalign the structure. Always ensure you check your gates after high winds.


The later months of the year are known for their endless amounts of rain which means that we have to ensure our gates are protected. Most of the time automatic gates are completely waterproof, especially when they are brand new however over time you may notice that small areas start to show signs of weathering. Carrying out regular checks will allow you to spot and deal with this promptly.


While the idea of leaves affecting automatic gates may sounds out of place, you have to hear us out. In fact, it is not uncommon to find leaves inside the mechanisms of automatic systems that can cause a staggering amount of damage. Plus, if they are around the hinges they can cause a strain on the way the gate operates and create unnecessary friction. Always ensure that you clear away fallen leaves.

Whether you are suffering from a malfunction after a night of particularly strong weather or have found that your automatic system has suffered a setback, the team here at Cheshire Metalcraft have got your back! Our range of high quality automatic gates are certain to remain up and running under even the most disastrous conditions that mother nature could throw at them. For more information about the best gates in Manchester, speak to a member of the team today!